Map to: Greene Co. ESC
Greene Co. ESC is located at 360 EAST Enon Rd. in Yellow Springs, OH (not WEST Enon Rd.).
For best results, use the directions listed below.
From I-70 and I-675 South
Take the I-675 South exit 22 (State Route 235 exit). Turn left onto Route 235 and go about 3 miles. At the traffic light, turn left onto Dayton-Yellow Springs Road and head east. Go 3 miles and turn right at the first traffic light inside the corporation limit of Yellow Springs which is EAST Enon Road. The ESC is the first building on the right. Park in the parking lot between YSHS and the Arthur Morgan Bldg. which houses the ESC.
From I-75 and I-675 North
Take I675 North to ext 20 (Dayton-Yellow Springs Road). Turn right onto Dayton Yellow Springs Road and head east away from Fairborn. Turn right at the first traffic light inside the corporation limit of Yellow Springs which is EAST Enon Road. The ESC is the first building on the right. Park in the parking lot between YSHS and the Arthur Morgan Bldg. which houses the ESC.
From I-70
Take Route 68 South. Stay on Route 68 until you enter Yellow Springs. Turn Right at the first traffic light which is Corry Street. Turn left at the next light which is Dayton Street (Dayton-Yellow Springs Road). At the edge of Yellow Springs, second traffic light, turn left onto EAST Enon Road. The ESC is the first building on the right. Park in the parking lot between YSHS and the Arthur Morgan Bldg. which houses the ESC.
From Xenia
Take Route 68 North out of Xenia towards Yellow Springs. Just before you enter Yellow Springs, turn left at the blinking yellow caution light which is Hyde Road. Turn right at the first road which is EAST Enon Road. Travel about one mile on East Enon Road. You will see YSHS on the left. The ESC is next to the High School. Park in the parking lot between YSHS and the Arthur Morgan Bldg. which houses the ESC.