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Mental Health Info for Educators

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Mental Health Information for Educators

Educating students in your classroom can be challenging because of the varied backgrounds of the youth in your school. Poverty, health issues, and violence are just a few things that can impact a child's ability to function in the classroom. As educators, you are also in unique positions to see the small changes in students that may be indicators of larger issues. Declining grades, poor hygiene, and poor social skills are just a few things you may notice that may denote something more serious in students.

At the Greene ESC, through the Integration of Schools and Mental Health Systems Grant, we have available brief informational sheets and detailed booklets on various mental health issues that your students may be experiencing. They include background information on the diagnoses, as well as helpful tips on how to help those struggling students be successful in your classroom. A general overview of childhood mental health is a good place to start and if you want more information, it is available to you below, organized by diagnosis.
 Diagnosis Brief handout Detailed booklet
 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Brief
 Anxiety disorder Brief   
 Bipolar disorder Brief Detailed
 Depression Brief Detailed
 Eating disorders Brief Detailed
 Oppositional defiant disorder Brief Detailed
 Trauma Brief Detailed
Websites are a great place to obtain information and support. Take care to review the information they are providing, as some sources cannot be trusted. Below are a few credible sites we find useful.
 Mental health organizations Information
Mental Health and Recovery Board of Clark, Greene, and Madison Counties  The Mental Health & Recovery Board of Clark, Greene, and Madison Counties supports a system for delivering effective mental health, alcohol and other drug treatment, prevention, education, and advocacy services for its residents.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration “The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA's mission is to reduce the mpact of substance abuse and mental illness on American Communities."
Ohio Department of Mental Health “The Ohio Department of Mental Health (ODMH) works to assure access to quality mental health services for Ohioans at all levels of need and life stages. It is estimated that nearly two million Ohioans will need mental health services during their lives for problems ranging from situational stress to severe and chronic mental illness.”
National Alliance on Mental Illness “NAMI advocates for access to services, treatment, supports and research and is steadfast in its commitment to raise awareness and build a community for hope for all of those in need.”
National Alliance on Mental Illness Ohio “NAMI Ohio (National Alliance on Mental Illness of Ohio) was created in 1982 by a small, dedicated group of family members to provide mutual support, education, and advocacy for individuals and families affected by serious brain disorders.”
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